At ANGEL SCHOOL, a lot of emphasis is laid on teaching English as most of the children come from homes where the language spoken regularly is not English. Year-wise objectives are laid out whereby in early years emphasis is on speaking, listening, pre reading & writing skills. Comprehension is a skill, which is focused on, throughout the school years. It is an integral part of language development.
Phonics is used to teach English in a structured manner. It has been designed to be implemented across the classes from nursery to grade TWO. Objective of the phonics program is to build the skill where children become independent readers, spellers and writers. Language should aid communication and children are encouraged to express themselves in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences using the skills acquired. On a daily basis stories are read, discussed and interpreted in the classrooms. In the Early year’s stories, rhymes, poems and non-fiction text (small passages with topics which interest the children of this age group) are read and discussed in the classrooms. Children participate everyday in the classroom discussions, retelling the stories, sequencing the stories, reciting rhymes, picture reading and variety of activities designed for vocabulary building.
Pre-math emphasizes on teaching the quality and essence of numbers using practical activities. Application of this knowledge to everyday life is what makes the learning interesting for children. For instance to teach number 2 all things that exist in nature in twos are used to explain its qualitative and quantitative aspect for example, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 legs, etc.
Our curriculum has been designed to introduce mathematical concepts in a simple and tangible manner concentrating on one attribute at a time and progressing gradually. Our lesson plans are built to develop thinking and problem solving abilities through activities, observation, analysis and discussions.
In our school, physical and personal development is given paramount importance, as it is a very important aspect of overall development. Physical education takes care of developing the fine and gross motor skills and a lot of time is dedicated to this. Objectives are set for each age group in terms of what they are expected to do physically and necessary developmental aids are used to achieve those. Stamina, balance, rhythm, strength, agility, and concentration are developed using a variety of enjoyable games and activities.
This also helps to develop good habits, self-care ability and a healthy lifestyle and enables the children to understand the limit of physical capabilities and develop awareness of self-protection.
We recognize that the child will grow into a confident adult only if(s) he has a strong sense of self-image. This domain is worked upon every single day in our school through stories, role-play, group activities, show & tell activities.
Children are encouraged and taught to listen to and respect others’ views and opinions. They are taught to differentiate between good and bad, to be aware of rules and positive discipline.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
Children are introduced to computers and by the end of the primary phase they are comfortable with using computers as a learning medium. Computer rooms run by well-trained teachers, provide the ideal environment for children to pick up the basic concepts. Also the interactive board and computers present in classrooms make it a continuous learning process.
Art is introduced to children so that they use it to play, to express, to explore and to enjoy. The Art room is well stocked with quality resources like paper, crayons, colors, brushes, easels, etc. A specialist art teacher with a well-defined art curriculum introduces children to various art forms. Music is introduced to children at this primary school stage so that they develop a love for it. In early years children are made aware of the rhythm and melody through group singing of songs and rhymes.